I've got a customer who's having a problem with an electro plating tank, when they set the voltage the current fluctuates and the plating process doesn't work very well.
It's a copper plating tank which has 3 copper rods across the top, the outer 2 connected to the +ve and the central one to the -ve. Hanging off the outer 2 are copper rods which have copper plates attached,,, they hang the items they want to plate off the central rod....... The rods are above the copper sulphate solution.
Now they have been in touch with the manufacturers and they say that the problem can't be down to the tank and it must be the wiring,, the terminals are corroded a little bit but not that much... The voltage across the rods is 1.5V (what they set it too) when there is nothing on the central rod.
The guy wants me to rewire the tank, if only to rule the cabling out,,,, but we were trying to figure out other possible problems so he has agreed that I will redo the hangars with croc clips and ring lugs to bolt them together (to get a better connection)...... I think they ought to also get the solution tested for strength.
What do you recon???
I've got a customer who's having a problem with an electro plating tank, when they set the voltage the current fluctuates and the plating process doesn't work very well.
It's a copper plating tank which has 3 copper rods across the top, the outer 2 connected to the +ve and the central one to the -ve. Hanging off the outer 2 are copper rods which have copper plates attached,,, they hang the items they want to plate off the central rod....... The rods are above the copper sulphate solution.
Now they have been in touch with the manufacturers and they say that the problem can't be down to the tank and it must be the wiring,, the terminals are corroded a little bit but not that much... The voltage across the rods is 1.5V (what they set it too) when there is nothing on the central rod.
The guy wants me to rewire the tank, if only to rule the cabling out,,,, but we were trying to figure out other possible problems so he has agreed that I will redo the hangars with croc clips and ring lugs to bolt them together (to get a better connection)...... I think they ought to also get the solution tested for strength.
What do you recon???