The College decided it would a good idea to do the C&G 2365 level II Electrical Installation Technology exam today and the Electrical Science exam tomorrow!

So busy cramming formulas tonight! F=BIl, e=Blv, F=ma electrons, protons, left hand rule, class 3 levers, R=Rho.l/a blah blah blah...
Did ok on todays exam, Electical Installation technology: 100%!
Good luck to anyone else doing exams at the moment!
And thanks to everyone who answered my quieries here too!
So busy cramming formulas tonight! F=BIl, e=Blv, F=ma electrons, protons, left hand rule, class 3 levers, R=Rho.l/a blah blah blah...
Did ok on todays exam, Electical Installation technology: 100%!
Good luck to anyone else doing exams at the moment!
And thanks to everyone who answered my quieries here too!