Extra live wire going to meter?

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New member
Apr 9, 2020
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Hello, I recently moved into a property and have noticed that there is an extra live wire going into the bottom of the meter, which comes from a different location than the other usual one, and has it's own separate service fuse. There is just one neutral going in the meter which comes from the same box as the regular live wire. So two separately fused live wires and one neutral, is this ok and normal? I can see the old analogue meter is still in place but disconnected with hanging wires left.. Clearly not a good job done! Just concerned I may have a dodgy installation! Any advice would be great, cheers. Josh.

Might need a picture to support your explanation, you will need either 10 posts to attach a pic (anti spam protection) or a third party picture host or possibly a friendly moderator to lift the restriction?? 

Yes, a photo would be easier! I'll try and make it simple: on the bottom left of the meter there is 1 brown and 1 blue wire, on the bottom right there are two wires coming out and those go to the consumer box - however also on the bottom right is another brown wire that is connected to a 100A fuse. What's this other brown wire??

Photo ...photo ...  I can't quite grasp what that would be to be honest .  I was about to say its a redundant  Off Peak Heating supply but your description defies that .  

It sounds to me like the switched off peak output from a dual rate meter, and you are not presently using storage heaters so it has been parked there just as somewhere to terminate it.

Or does the other side of that extra fuse also connect somewhere?
