Fault V Maintenance issue on 303 exam

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Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
Hi there.

Im doing my 2330 level 3 at evening classes and sat my 303 fault finding last night.

The instalation was a total dog (as it should be!) and i found dozens of things that would need to be corrected, like strands of wire hanging out etc.

My question is about the paper work which we didnot have time to fill in. My tutor kept banging on about some of the things that i had made a note of like missing saddles on conduit .........he made it very clear that there is a definate line between a DEVIATION FROM THE WIREING REGS and a MAINTENANCE ISSUE and that its only the deviations that would be exceptable on the paperwork.................so how do i know which is which?

there are at least 9 faults to find, broken conductors, sockets wired in the wrong polarity and a failed insulation resistance test are a given, but are things like damaged insulation to conductors inside a socket and missing/disconnected earth bonding inside a metal socket back box faults or maintenance issues

thanks for any advice guys

There were plenty of faults on my board - Both intentional and Not.

I listed every fault that I saw and my Lecturer was great about it. Shows that you paying attention.

Sounds like you lecturer is getting ratty, because he knows the install is worse than he thought and doesn't want to see it in writing.

Damaged insullation is a fault.

With regard to the earth inside the metal backbox, it could be argued that the earth is in contact through the faceplate screw. BUT, I personally would earth them.
