Fell Over.

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Feb 18, 2008
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At the customers needed some wago's from the van, at the back doors of the van, I step back slip off the curb, do that looking like a drunkard stumbling backwards & ended up in a heap in the middle of the road, skinned the knuckles on my left hand, grazed my left ear & twisted my ankle..... it hurt sooooo much I just had to lay there for  few mins

Thought I'd got away with it........yep nobody saw.......then I notice the old couple next door at the window laughing their bollocks off.

To cap it all as I fell the wago box went **** off & scattered it's contents in the gutter as did the screw/plug box.

Ouch! Hope you're having a couple of bevvies tonight to take the edge off! Dropped my Wago case today but only my pride hurt!

I know the feeling.

I was in a customers house (no carpets down yet).  Put my drill down on the stairs, forget about it.  Later go up stairs, come back down, stand on drill and fall from half way, no carpet bare wood.  Winded, bruised ebows, thought I was going to die (drama queen).  Spent about 5mins on the floor.  Luckily no one was in!

During the recent heavy snow I arrived at customers house, guy is cleaning snow off his car and tells me to go through as he has already put sheets down, I walked through the door onto a nylon sheet covering laminate flooring, one step and I did a very ungraceful bambi on ice impression followed quickly with, I imagine, a cool matrix moment where I arched gracefully till my feet where as high as my face before landing harder than a pole-axed sumo wrestler......while lying dazed on my back I noticed a vase on a side table wobbling and then falling in slow motion shattering on impact just as the guy walks in the door, looks at me and asks 'what the hell I'm playing at..' .... Then notices the vase and mumbles 'that cost me £35' before closing the door! Never asked how I was but later when handing the cheque over I casually noticed it was minus £35 I never commented because I knew he wanted to say something....
