At the customers needed some wago's from the van, at the back doors of the van, I step back slip off the curb, do that looking like a drunkard stumbling backwards & ended up in a heap in the middle of the road, skinned the knuckles on my left hand, grazed my left ear & twisted my ankle..... it hurt sooooo much I just had to lay there for few mins
Thought I'd got away with it........yep nobody saw.......then I notice the old couple next door at the window laughing their bollocks off.
To cap it all as I fell the wago box went **** off & scattered it's contents in the gutter as did the screw/plug box.
Thought I'd got away with it........yep nobody saw.......then I notice the old couple next door at the window laughing their bollocks off.
To cap it all as I fell the wago box went **** off & scattered it's contents in the gutter as did the screw/plug box.