Few Level 3 Questions

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

Just got a few questions that im trying to get head round and would appreciate some help please.

1. What current will flow in a 20Ω resistor when it is connected to a 50V supply ?

a) 0.4A

B) 1.6A

c) 2.5A

ohms law 50/20 = 2.5A

2. A current of 500mA flows in a resistance of 12Ω . What power is dissipated by the resistor ?

a) 3W

B) 6W

c) 18W

ohms law again 0.5A x 12 = 6W

3. Three 12Ω resistors are connected in parallel. What will the resistance of this combination be?

a) 3Ω

B) 4Ω

c) 48Ω

1/12 + 1/12 + 1/12 = 3/12 transposed to 12/3 = 4

4. A power of 240W appears in a load for a total time of 120 seconds. What energy is used ?

a) 2J

B) 2kJ

c) 28.8kJ

Not sure about this one can someone help with the formula needed

5. A charge of 1mC appears in a capacitor of 2uF. What voltage appears across the plates of the capacitor ?

a) 50V

B) 200V

c) 500V

Not sure on this one either

6. Capacitors of 1uF and 2uF are connected in series. What is the capacitance of the series combination ?

a) 0.33uF

B) 0.67uF

c) 3uF

1/1 + 1/2 = 3/2 which transpose to 2/3 which is 0.67uF

Any help would be greatly appreciated



Hi,Just got a few questions that im trying to get head round and would appreciate some help please.

1. What current will flow in a 20Ω resistor when it is connected to a 50V supply ?

a) 0.4A

B) 1.6A

c) 2.5A

ohms law 50/20 = 2.5A YES

2. A current of 500mA flows in a resistance of 12Ω . What power is dissipated by the resistor ?

a) 3W

B) 6W

c) 18W

ohms law again 0.5A x 12 = 6W retract my answer Blushing P does = volts * amps but we need to transpose the formula to get resistance Blushing

4. A power of 240W appears in a load for a total time of 120 seconds. What energy is used ?

a) 2J

B) 2kJ

c) 28.8kJ

Not sure about this one can someone help with the formula needed

1 watt is 1 joule per second. so 240W/120s = 2 joules
My red.


I'm not an electrician! :D

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Hi Chaps,

I'd have thunk that number 2 is a, 3W, from P=I2R.

In number 4, P=E/t so 240=E/120, or

E=240 x 120 = 28.8kJ

I could be wrong of course.


Hello and welcome :D

Hi Chaps,I'd have thunk that number 2 is a, 3W, from P=I2R.
Ohm's Law states V=IR

To work out power in watts we multiply voltage by current

P = VI

We are given

current of 500mA

resistance of 12Ω

and need to find power.

so P = VI, we have the current but no volts.

to find volts we use Ohm's law V=IR

so P = (IR)*I

so P = (0.5*12)*0.5

P = 3 watts.

you are quite correct. I have edited my post, not to make myself look cleverer than I am, but for clarity!

Thanks for pointing that out.

In number 4, P=E/t so 240=E/120, or E=240 x 120 = 28.8kJ
Power in watts = energy (in joules) multiplied by time

1 watt is 1 joule per second.

So to transpose




E=2 watts

I stand by this one!


3. Three 12Ω resistors are connected in parallel. What will the resistance of this combination be?

a) 3Ω

B) 4Ω

c) 48Ω

1/12 + 1/12 + 1/12 = 3/12 transposed to 12/3 = 4 Yes, if you remember that resisters in parallel the total resistance reduces then as they are all the same the resistance of 3 12ohms resisters will be a third of that ie 4ohms

6. Capacitors of 1uF and 2uF are connected in series. What is the capacitance of the series combination ?

a) 0.33uF

B) 0.67uF

c) 3uF

1/1 + 1/2 = 3/2 which transpose to 2/3 which is 0.67uFApplaud Smiley Yes, it's the same method as resistors in series
My red

5. A charge of 1mC appears in a capacitor of 2uF. What voltage appears across the plates of the capacitor ?

a) 50V

B) 200V

c) 500V

Not sure on this one either
Now if C = q/V ,


* C is the capacitance in farads.

* q is the accumulated charge in coulombs.

* V is the voltage difference between the capacitor plates.

to transpose,

V = C/q

V = 0.001 / 0.000002

V = 500V

Remember mili 10-3, micro 10-6

I love doing your homework. I really should go to electrical college


I made it red for continuity

Does that all make sense? I have tried to include all working on the ones you haven't attempted (or that we both got wrong ;) )

Thanks for helping here mate. Its not homework just questions ive found off the net. Ive got all my Level 3 exams soon so trying to get prepared. Honest its not homework lol

Thanks for helping here mate. Its not homework just questions ive found off the net. Ive got all my Level 3 exams soon so trying to get prepared. Honest its not homework lol
I'm fine with it either way :D
