Fire Proof Wooden Board

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
Bromley, Kent
Hi all,

What is the fire proof wood called that you normally find between metal trunking and the fuse board / distrobution unit. it looks like thin ply/mdf but just forgotten the propper name....


Are we talking about the same thing here? Years back my then company went over to SRBP (synthetic resin bonded paper or "paxolin") backed PCB boards instead of fibreglass as part of a cost saving exercise. I thought it was more of an insulator than fireproof board? Asbestolux (white / grey) is I think fire resistant:

Saying that I've jut mounted a cu on this stuff whereas the old one was straight on the T&G clad wall:

We used to use tufnol sheets and cut to size for inbetween busbars and capacitors.

Not the best stuff to cut due to the dust it creates

Dunno about fireproof wood Mat .  

As said  Tufnol or paxolin .

Could never see anything wrong with just wood TBH  used to bush the slot and to space off for door opening etc.

Anyone known it to burst into flames . Doubt it . 

NIC man told me once that KO boxes must be flush with the front face of plasterboard  " because the paper could catch fire "   Yeah   Right !
