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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Come on then, we must have some footy fans in here. I'm a kopite myself, terrible form lately!

Lets keep it clean.

No interest in football. Hate, loath & detest the game. Don't watch it.

No interest in football. Hate, loath & detest the game. Don't watch it.
:D glad i am not the only one :) Guinness :x


Cant stand the game lol played at school as was forced to, (a lot you guys wont remember ure school years though)

wont watch it...

Prefere rugby my self :) more contact lol

kopite thugs - 1 definition - The throwing of excrement over rival football supporters.

And thats good?

I dont get it?

Used to be a big MANU fan about 15yrs ago.

Now its..

Rugby all the way for me!!!!

Good score today from Wales :)
