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Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
Who would like to see a change in the forum colours, instead of the current boring? ones?

If you do, what colours would you like to see?

Many thanks,


Bit of pink thrown in here and there would be nice in appreciation for us females!


Mrs Streetlighter

PMSL Kerch.

Well; So far, it is - Leave it as it is.

I like it as it is ............ you just can't resist messing can you !!!! :C

Last time you messed we lost the "Thanks" button .

And Brian was banished from the Forum page Smiley dept. ( He likes to see whats going down from over there on the right)

Just who do you think you are ? Admin? Oh yes ....ooopps ....forgot .... sorry :Blushing

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Brian is still in the options on the right ->

Not on my PC hes not . Theres 12 smilies over there and Brian 'aint one of 'em and hes not happy about it either.

How come you've got him then ? I have these :- O) Guinness :Welcome: ]:) :yawnequal to/less than:Blushing:Spam:_|:slapequal to/more than;)

And thats it.

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Not on my PC hes not . Theres 12 smilies over there and Brian 'aint one of 'em and hes not happy about it either. How come you've got him then ? I have these :- O) Guinness :Welcome: ]:) :yawnequal to/less than:Blushing:Spam:_|:slapequal to/more than;)

And thats it.
See attachment mate...

Oh - Brian.jpg

Well thats no good is it !!! Hes still stuck over there with that lot when he should have his own place on the Forum .

I'm telling you .....hes not over there on the right ...where he should be .. he may be on your big, special. super duper, bloomin' 10000 gigabite all singing all dancing woopy doopy type computer but hes not there on my old 1 bite valve set with the B&W 405 line monitor .

Im with Deke on this one,

I think Brian should be an automatically clickabilably smilie that is always sitting on the page just waiting to jump into action against all the snobby BBC Acorn know-it-alls in computery land,

and theres us with out ZX81s struggling against the evils of the universe without the aid of SUPER-Brian. !!!

I can feel a "Free deirdre" campaign coming on, but it will be a Brian campaign in this case.

Your right there Addy , I'm now asking for supporters to lobby for the reinstatement of Brian to his rightful place along us on the Forum and not cast aside with all the lesser used Smileys .

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I know mate - After posting my post above - I saw your reply in another thread. :_|

Don't you know the short cut for Brian then? :C

Here, I will help you:


Brians here.jpg
