General Electric Rcd 80A

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

Anyone know where stocks these please. I've tried toolstation but no stock anywhere. Just wondered if anyone knew a wholesalers that stock these. My pal says electric centre may


2-pole, 4-pole?
2 pole sorry onoff :)

I normally try the fuse company, but couldn't find it there.
A quick google found this. Is this what you want?

If not a picture or part number might help.[/quote

That link don't work for me Dave ill turn laptop on tomorrow and upload picture as I'm out at mo

Try your local Edmundsons Matty.

Andy Guinness
Will try them cheers mate
Cheers onoff the one at the top is no good as the neutral needs to be on left and line on the right. Can't make out which it is on the eBay one so ill have to go wholesalers tomorrow and ask about. Thanks for helping though much appreciated


I seem to be stripping a lot of GE stuff out these days problem with there 16th edition CU  the RCBO'S are a job to fit in due to height and the compact ones are a job to get hold off. If you get stuck Matty I probably could find you a second hand one.
