Good news..... EXTRA hours forum surfing tonight boys!!!!!!!!

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Trailer Boy - Electrician.
Supporting Member
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
So peoples....

what are you going to do with your extra hours Forum Surfing time??????

I am reliably informed DEKE is going to use the hour to upload his home Video, that he has converted to digital, of Sandra doing that erotic dance with the tassels while Brian does the Full Monty!!!!!

But his PC is very slow so it may be a push to get the whole download done within the 1 hour extra time....

Watch this space 2:00am or is that 1:00am...

or 3:00am????

Oh sod it..

you will just have to log on ALL night and keep watching in case you miss it!!!

:p :Salute

told the kids up out all day tomorrow...

adjusting the sundials in the county....

i also convinced a guy once that the Rugby time signal turns the clocks back/forward at 2am........he stood there watching it.......

he took the clock back saying it was broken !!!!!!

Now theres a coincidence...............I never wear your watch either!!!!!!!!!

:) :D :^O:^O:^O

another rental fee I cant collect,

own up now guys, how many more of you dont owe me rental or lease on stuff you dont hire from me.?

****,another rental fee I cant collect,

own up now guys, how many more of you don't owe me rental or lease on stuff you dont hire from me.?
Deke doesn't own you even more cuz both he and Sandra have not been leasing your stuff! :eek: :_|
