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Active member
Oct 10, 2012
Reaction score
Just to say hello to you all , I am a 63 year old widow who is a bit of a DIY enthusiast, and have turned my hand to most building jobs with varying degrees of success over the years.

Problems with my 3way (faulty common between intermediate and end box) switching prompted me to join this forum, plus the fact you seem to be a friendly lot, I have often wished that I had chosen to be an electrician instead of a nurse, I quite fancy doing an evening/part time course- any one have any polite suggestions ?



Is it ok to use insulation tape and paper to cover a cut finger ?
I always do, kitchen roll is my favourite, be sure to force all small bleeders to bleed for a while to flush out germs and debris before applying pressure with a clean tissue (after washing/drying if possible).

if any wound feels worse after 24 hr's it's probably infected. Just my opinion and observation you understand. Oh and keep up with our Tetanus jabs. Dressed wounds should not feel cold or look blue.

Puncture wounds are probably more likely to cause Tetanus than any other kind -always seek medical help if you step on a nail for instance.

How often should you have a tetanus jab ?. Its years and years since i had one and am always getting cuts and jabs at work. I have mentioned it many times to my doc who has always replied, that will be alright.

What is the problem with your switch, have you posted it ?

well, it wasnt from me, but Im not that surprised with the way you bolsh,

I can carry the red you gave me, I have broad shoulders, comes from having a big head apparently.!
