Hello / C&G 2330

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The Doktor

Sep 1, 2011
Reaction score

Just enrolled on the 2330 level 2 this morning,college I'm doing it at does over 1 yr part time, the level 3 also!

Been told will still be able to do level 3 next year too!

So all is good, I didn't even have to pay for this year!

Looking forward to getting stuck in.

And finally hello everyone, new here and all advice/help is most welcome



Welcome to the forum Dave. I have deleted your other identical post, as duplicates only clutter the forum and make it messy for others to follow.

Doc H.

Thanks for the welcome and no worries on the other,appologies for the cluttering, I'm forever saying that to the missus too!

Thanks for the friendly welcome everyone & from Manchester,been working in electronics the last 10 years, so I should be ok with the maths,equations, thought a bit rusty as not done it in a long time! Start a week tomorrow , 2 evenings a weeks part time, 1 year for level 2 and the same for level 3, most colleges do it over 2 yrs each level so am happy about that!!

Found it really good. Maths side was tough to get my head round at first but after that it went fine. Just listen to what the tutors say and revise and you will do good.

Doktor; best of luck in your studies. Some of my trainees use the Swindon Massive website for practising answers at level 2. In training sessions I use my own multiple choice questions that I have written. One of the best methods of revising for any examination is improving your answer technique. Very often you find that the answer to one question is given by another later in the examination sequence. The words that C & G use also need to be understood in depth. If you look in the regs at "obstacle" and "barrier" and more specifically how the word came into being, it explains why those words are used to define and describe measures of basic protection. Do not be afraid of getting into the regs at an early stage; that book should have tattered edges by the end of week one!

Thanks Technician, have been on Swindon massive,also am on smartscreen now,have been getting to grips with the questions, and more to the point how there worded,1st exam in two weeks and feeling pretty confident tbh! Advise is always welcome, thanks again
