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Junior Member
Feb 4, 2010
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im currently doing an apprenticeship at Blackburn college, I have my 301 exam tomorrow, pretty nervous still struggling with some equations, i found some practise papers on here but found some of the answers to be incorrect so now im a little more unsure, i've been using swindon massive and smart screen too, if anyone has any other suggestions, throw them my way

Cheers Ben

Hello and welcome Ben :D

If you find a wrong answer on here flag it up!

If there are any specifics you have bother with ask away :D

Welcome to the forum, As apache says, if you see some that you consider to be incorrect, Put them on the forum and will confirm if they are correct or not.

If they aren't correct, we will work them out and I will re-do them correctly for everyone else.

Good luck on your 301.

Best Wishes,


Hi Ben.

I done my 301 exam last week . I found most of the questions fairly straight forward and a couple that I struggled with . You can revise till you can't take no more in . There was many questions on motors as everyone on my exam said, so give that some revision and I had an impedance calc to do . Read the question properly and don't rush you have plenty of time . I done mine in 20 mins as you know you have an hour . I found swindon massive and this forum very useful . The mock exam on swindon massive will give you a good idea of your strengths and weaknesses . give it a go . Good luck mate and keep us posted and welcome to the forum

cheers everyone, i did the mock exam on swindon massive and got 37 out of 40 which was a big relief, i've noticed the more papers i do the more of the same questions come up and then it becomes a case of just remembering them.

the places im struggling with are the formulas, we had a recap lesson the other week we're we got given a sheet, only problem was i was working away so missed out, i've noticed a lot of questions on ohms law, resistivity, power factor etc, i find it even harder because although the company i work for have qualified people working for them we dont do a great deal of work thats electrically based, we mainly install sound sytems, voice alarm systems that type of work. anyway im going off travk now

as for the exams with the wrong answers (i havent yet passed this exam so im probably in the wrong but im just going off notes i had from class, dont mean to offend)

one was paper 3 question 25 a four band resistor has only three bands the assumed tolerance is 2% 5% 10% or 20% i had 10% on my notes?

the other i cant find now but it had two c)'s instead of a c) and d)

the last thing i cant get my head around that isn't on this website but is on papers i've done in class and i think one was on swindon massive is a similar question with similar answers, normally worded either a work collegue is unconscious from electric shock do you a) perform mouth to mouth b)work around him c) get help or sometimes dial 999 d) perform cpr.

and the one similar is a work collegue has fallen unconscious from fumes do you a) go on a tea break B) work around him c)get help d) perform cpr. I've argued this out with teachers who claim its perform cpr, even the practise papers say this, but what if your not qualified in first aid? also without dialing 999 surely your just gonna be doing cpr till the cows come home?

sorry for such a long reply, hope someone can point me in the right direction

the last thing i cant get my head around that isn't on this website but is on papers i've done in class and i think one was on swindon massive is a similar question with similar answers, normally worded either a work collegue is unconscious from electric shock do you a) perform mouth to mouth b)work around him c) get help or sometimes dial 999 d) perform cpr.and the one similar is a work collegue has fallen unconscious from fumes do you a) go on a tea break B) work around him c)get help d) perform cpr. I've argued this out with teachers who claim its perform cpr, even the practise papers say this, but what if your not qualified in first aid? also without dialing 999 surely your just gonna be doing cpr till the cows come home?
All I can tell you are the CPD guidelines!

Your personal safety comes first, either entering an area with fumes or risk of electric shock. Isolate and ventilate (as in open windows) as required. You are the priority, not the casualty - if you too are overcome from fumes or electrocuted you both may die.

As far as CPR goes if there is more than one of you then someone stays and begins CPR as appropriate and someone else goes off for help. If you are alone AND IT IS SAFE check if casualty breathing and if there are signs of consciousness and circulation. You may put them in the recovery position to keep their away clear if they vomit. Then go and call 999. Then return to casualty and perform CPR.

That is the right answer!

the last thing i cant get my head around that isn't on this website but is on papers i've done in class and i think one was on swindon massive is a similar question with similar answers, normally worded either a work collegue is unconscious from electric shock do you a) perform mouth to mouth b)work around him c) get help or sometimes dial 999 d) perform cpr.and the one similar is a work collegue has fallen unconscious from fumes do you a) go on a tea break B) work around him c)get help d) perform cpr. I've argued this out with teachers who claim its perform cpr, even the practise papers say this, but what if your not qualified in first aid? also without dialing 999 surely your just gonna be doing cpr till the cows come home?
I had a similar issue with some of the questions on the CSCS exam. Some of the questions have several right answers, or no wrong answers, but they only want one answer, the answer they reckon is the right one. Every situation is different depending on lots of circumstances.

I think you just need to humour them, the answer is wrong because I don;t do first aid etc... so I would never perform CPR, but the answer is exactly one letter long and all that doesn;t fit into that.
