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Well-known member
May 13, 2008
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I had an problem this morning that my combi boiler was not working. I also noticed that my cordless phone base unit had gone off and the kettle took an age to boil. on going out to the car for my tester I noticed that a few of my neighbours were stood outside their houses looking at their fuse boxes.

on returning into the house I tested the incoming supply and found that I had a voltage of 130v. phoned NEDL and was told that they were a aware of the problem.

has anybody else come across the same?

funny enough the tv was fine so it kept the kids off my tools, last time they decided "to help" they left my meter on so I had a dead meter the next time I needed itX(

Thats one helluva big Volt drop!!!50%+ :_|

some poor sod had wired the street with 2.5mm instead of 35mm!!!

:eek: :^O:^O:^O:^O:^O:^O
I would not put it passed them

The only thing I can suggest would be to import a kettle from America for these occasions? :D
no I think I willGuiness DrinkGuiness Drink:D instead

Craig not quite the same but I had 130v between phase and earth on a job today took half an hour to find it. Cpc's on pendant had not been twisted together and had come loose.


Craig not quite the same but I had 130v between phase and earth on a job today took half an hour to find it. Cpc's on pendant had not been twisted together and had come loose.Batty
i had similar a few weeks back.... but it was the entire house that was live!

We had a similar problem recently when our suppliers had a problem with a sub station. All the supply went for a couple of hours, then when it came back it was only 125v for about another 2 hours.

Had the same happen when i was pat testing in a factory , all the 110v points worked fine but none of the 230v ones did , and as my tester can run off 110v i was ok to carry on in the work shop ;)

it would be interesting to know what causes it

anyone work for one of the DNO's?

it would be interesting to know what causes itanyone work for one of the DNO's?
its a bit like the eastern Europeans nicking gas from the pipelines....

there just taking a few volts off where it crosses the open countryside! :|

its a bit like the eastern Europeans nicking gas from the pipelines....there just taking a few volts off where it crosses the open countryside! :|
like the travellers do with lamp posts ? :p " aquiring a few volts for me maa so i am "
