Honest Opinion on this flyer.

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Getting there now.

Not sure I agree with you about nothing to go on the back though.

Much better :D You do mention fault finding at the top and then as a bullet point?

only thing
True, but i think its one of the few things i can do without part p that can earn half decent money.

Getting there now.Not sure I agree with you about nothing to go on the back though.
i would like to put something on the back as i will be paying for it but im not sure what, i dont really want to spread out what ive got on this side.

i would like to put something on the back as i will be paying for it but im not sure what, i dont really want to spread out what ive got on this side.
Something as daft as a cartoon? Something to grab attention?

Perhaps a picture of the The Godfather..

Just to remind the potential client of their obligations.

Don & His Boys

What is all this about Sipgate and voipfone ? And going back to using the mobile number, after a quick check I see that 98% of my business calls come into my mobile ?

If I saw a flyer or other advertising, of a company with only a mobile number, I would not phone it.

If your company had a 'Landline' and a 'Mobile' number, then I would phone the landline FIRST. I would then be happy to phone the Mobile Number.

I always do my research on companies before commiting to anything.

Patch. PSpark has a professional looking flying, which he has worked hard on. Although others have agreed to what you say about a 'Cartoon or something' on the back to catch the eye/attention, I am affraid that I don't.

Big Lenroy, Welcome aboard. Be good. ;)

Getting there now.Not sure I agree with you about nothing to go on the back though.
this is the postcard I had done

front full colour an kept simple


back printed in black and white with all my details


I know that a lot of you dont like "no job too small" but it is what I want to be picking up for now.

I know that a lot of you dont like "no job too small" but it is what I want to be picking up for now.
That is a very important comment, my boys often get calls about doing such work.

The Godfather

im very tempted to leave side 2 blank, i dont want to take to much attention away from the main part.

i think its a choice between both sides the same or one side blank.

im very tempted to leave side 2 blank, i dont want to take to much attention away from the main part. i think its a choice between both sides the same or one side blank.
But nobody reads a blank sheet of paper, do they?

(If you understand where I'm coming from)

The Godfather

But nobody reads a blank sheet of paper, do they?(If you understand where I'm coming from)

The Godfather
totaly understand where you are comming from.

You wil need to remember that 50% of the time your flyer will land on the door mat face down!

Most flyers I've encountered with a blank side usually have black text, no colour on the information side.

And reflect the strength or lack of it, from a business point of view, of the trader attempting to attract some business, from you.


Following up from my earlier comments perhaps this might help "a thousand words" etc

and yes advertising is subjective, but in my previous life I was spending a lot of money over many years so have some insight in to this area

Basic rules keep it simple, to repeat my comments do you really need a full list of what an Electrician does (it's akin to listing what a TV does, we/you/they know!), try to avoid jargon accept where it's understood (sorry but in domestic 7671 is jargon, as is Part P but needs a higher profile), I'd consider keeping the domestic ad separate from the commercial/industrial ad (although I have not here) as GH said target your audience don't be too broad particularly as these areas don't mix


Yes the blue boxes could have a graphic or pic, and yes most of the text is just to fill, the effect for most is your eye is drawn down the page zigzagging the subjects to the bold numbers, but you are not overwhelmed with detail, either side of the numbers you could have a golden pyramid offer (see earlier comment in this thread for explanation)

Logos are pertinent to NMR

JIB if you wish to discuss details feel free to PM me

Following up from my earlier comments perhaps this might help "a thousand words" etc and yes advertising is subjective, but in my previous life I was spending a lot of money over many years so have some insight in to this area

Basic rules keep it simple, to repeat my comments do you really need a full list of what an Electrician does (it's akin to listing what a TV does, we/you/they know!), try to avoid jargon accept where it's understood (sorry but in domestic 7671 is jargon, as is Part P but needs a higher profile), I'd consider keeping the domestic ad separate from the commercial/industrial ad (although I have not here) as GH said target your audience don't be too broad particularly as these areas don't mix


Yes the blue boxes could have a graphic or pic, and yes most of the text is just to fill, the effect for most is your eye is drawn down the page zigzagging the subjects to the bold numbers, but you are not overwhelmed with detail, either side of the numbers you could have a golden pyramid offer (see earlier comment in this thread for explanation)

Logos are pertinent to NMR

JIB if you wish to discuss details feel free to PM me
i like the idea! i might try and incorporate both together....

BTW I could not pull the JIB logo from the web as they restrict to members, so I had to create it from scratch, as I understand it Jibspark you're entitled to use it on your Ad's if a card holder, but likely only meaningful to non-domestic but gives this ad balance

BTW I could not pull the JIB logo from the web as they restrict to members, so I had to create it from scratch, as I understand it Jibspark you're entitled to use it on your Ad's if a card holder, but likely only meaningful to non-domestic but gives this ad balance
good point, i havnt got it on my website either so i wiil sort that out too!
