Inductance, Capacitance, & Resistance in Circuits

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

Can soneone let me know if ive got these ones right.

8. A circuit consisting of a pure capacitance is connected across an AC supply. Which one of the following gives the phase relationship between the voltage and current in this circuit ?

a) The voltage leads the current by 90

Id agree with the first three

dunno about the others

but im no expert!!!!!

CIVIL is the answer!!

capacitor - current leads voltage

inductor - current lags voltage

Also IIRC pure resistance has no effect on phase angle! and transformer cores asre indeed laminated to reduce eddy losses

Thanks ever so much for the replies so far been well helpful. Still tryinto get my head round this

11. An inductor has an inductive reactance of 20Ω and a resistance of 20Ω. Which one of the following gives the phase relationship between the voltage and current in this circuit?

a) The current leads the current by 45
