Inspection and Testing in AM2

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Junior Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Hey, sorry I wasn't sure whether to put this under this forum or the Learning forum.

I had my AM2 a few months back and passed everything but the Inspection and Testing part of it. I'm resitting it tomorrow but going over my notes I'm a little lost at what I could have been doing wrong.

I know I didn't flick the switches when testing the lighting circuit that was one problem and apparently I didn't zero the leads which im sure i did.

I spent too much time on the testing part and failed.

I remember I couldn't seem to get a reading from the meter no matter what i tried too..

ugh im dreading going back lol

any help would be much appreciated.


Good luck, but there's no need to double post. AFAIK most members check for new threads so all get seen, it's just a housekeeping issue where you start it!


1. Continuity of protective conductors. Auto null instrument and use method 2.

2. Ring circuit continuity. Make sure instrument still reads zero. Measure loops [3 tests]

Cross connect line and neutral [3 tests one at each socket]

Cross connect line and cpc [ 3 tests one at each socket]

3. Insulation resistance. take out bulb in bulkhead, unplug heater, switch isolator on motor starter to the off position, disconnect srcd, take out rcbo from wylex board, disconnect neutral from rcbo, perform ten tests at main switch turn a two way switch and ten tests again. Disconnect brown, black, grey from motor terminal box and perform 6 tests. Last of all perform 3 tests on ring circuit.

4. Polarity on bulk head luminaire ES lampholder.[continuity]

5. Perform ELI test on one socket and verify reading in OSG.

6. RCD test on the SRCD socket.

Thats all.
