My system has a Growatt SPH hybrid inverter and Growatt Li battery.
Both units have earthing points on their enclosure and both are classified as class 1 protection.
These are called out in the Growatt documentation which states should be fitted with 10mm2 earth cable.
My installer hasn't fitted anything to these earthing points.
Specific questions.
As they are both class 1 surely these should have earth straps to the enclosure?
Is there ANY reason for them to not be used?
Some UK/EU regulation I'm not aware of that states it's not required / shouldn't be done?
Anybody with same / similar equipment care to comment?
Internally an earth, from the property / utility supply comes in on the T&E AC cable to/from the inverter.
As far as I can see there's no earth to the battery. Don't know if any of the inter inverter / battery cables have 0v screens but that's not an earth.
As an aside there's what looks like a 4mm2 earth wire coming down from the panel array along with the DC cables.
This is joined to the property / utility earth at the AC isolator switch.
Assume this is an earth for the panel frames / mounts.