last weeks solar

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of course Im wrong, ask my wife™
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Gtr Manchester
last weeks solar, 250W Sanyos and a sunnyboy 2000

fired it up last Thursday evening and it had pulled in 29kW by this afternoon.

its all been properly labelled up and all now.

wagon a1.jpg

wagon b1.jpg







Looks very nice Steps, would that be you knelt on the roof? or is it you taking the piccies?

not me Mrs street,

my roofer/joiner/labourer extra-ordinaire ,

Hes a really good versatile guy and this is the first one he has helped me on,

he can actually think for himself and doesnt need constant supervision.

yep, wagon sorted now KME, just hope Im not living in it when Im up in the lake district in a couple of weeks time!! :|

hahah nice one steps, nice to hear someone that is able to think for themselves in that kinda situation,

im at the stage now i need supervision on anything electrical wise but im learning! my aim is i want to become a qualified electrician!

im starting out slowly and doing it bit by bit! iv been reading up on PV it looks really interesting! really has intrigued me

looking forward to seeing them steps, this PV stuff has really got me intrigued now!

Nice pics Steps how much would a set up like that cost price wise.

It is RCD protected, at the customers request. Absolutely no need for it tbh, less than a meter of cable and its surface mounted!

Some people?
haha, I couldnt see a reason for the rcd thats why i asked, some people indeed!


yep, and done one for a guy a couple of doors down, he has insisted on RCD too,

although in his case may be partly justified, cable passes through a wall, about a meter long, but surface mounted other than that.

oh well, he who pays the piper and all that.
