Main earth disconnected, What tests??

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Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
Hi All,

I am posting this because I deleted the first OP in error, instead of the "Move thread" button.

It deleted the OP, but all replies were left there. I PM'd training_spark, the original poster of this particular thread. He re-posted his thread, but when I added the replies to that Thread, it looked terrible as the replies were from Yesterday, and the thread was re-started Today and were all in the wrong order.

So What I am going to do is to post training_sparks's original OP, and your replies in the order that they were Posted.

If training_sparks, could accept my appolgies for my error and redo the thread himself (Again) and you guys could answer it in the same order and with a copy and paste of your original repliues below, then that would be great and I can delete this thread. :_|

OK, all in Quotes, Original OP...

Main earth disconnected' date=' What tests??[/b']


I have my level 3 2330 inspection and testing practical exam coming up and i cannot remember what tests the main earth needs to be disconnected for to eliminate parallel paths.

What tests should it be removed on?

Regards :)
training_spark has re-done his thread now, so can you reply to him in order here, please?

It also appears that his "2330 Lv3 Practical Inspection and testing exam last checks" has gone walkies too. That has nothing to do with me (that I know of)... so whoever replied to that. Please do so again.

Many Thanks,

Your Blonde Admin.


