Obsessive Compulsive Disorder??? Nit picky or just a Git???

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Trailer Boy - Electrician.
Supporting Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Ok then is anyone else like me when it comes to Two-Way and Three-Way switching of lights???

Do you just bang-em in... connect em and take pot luck as to the way round the switches are???

OR are you a bit of a Two & Three way anorak?

When I do Two-way switches:-

If both switches are UP the light MUST be OFF!! X(

So If both switches are DOWN the light is also OFF!

If the switches are one UP and one DOWN the light will be ON!

When I do Three-way switches:-

If all switches are UP the light MUST be OFF!! X(

So If all switches are DOWN the light will be ON!

So if two switches are DOWN and one switch UP the light will be OFF!

And if two switches are UP and one switch DOWN the light will be ON!

This is the way I always do it... :p

Dear agony aunt... do I need to see a psychiatrist?

p.s. the job I am doing has two sets of Two-Way and two sets of Three-Way switching! :| :p :p:p

this may need a double dose of medication!? ; \ :p ? :| :|Pray

I worry about you. We have 2, 2-way lights in our house and they are wired as you say

(so 4 2 way switches - you know what I mean)

I've always though about starting a cleaning company that employs OCD's!

They might take a while to clean the place but it'll be spotless!

I'm with you, when something isnt quite right, well, its just wrong ; \

Vulcan logic is a good trait to have. Has that guinea pig got pointy ears? ]:)

Specs.. I respect your opinions but that is bordering on OBD . Life is too short to worry about things like that.

I know a sparks who wont use mini trunking , says cable should be flush, does a great job, peels back the wallpaper, chases wall, plasters up, return visit to paste the paper back when plaster is dry. All very comendable but he does'nt charge for it and never makes any money !!

Also runs around for customers choosing light fittings, take 'em back, bring some more ec etc

My ocd is,i cant stand a picture on the wall thats on the squint:_|when me and the mrs have a row she goes around the house tilting em all,at least i reckon she does;)

OH and i have to check my vans locked at least 3 times before i can walk in the house,but thats not ocd i just live near theiving beggars:^O

yep, Im with you on the switches,

odds and evens I call it.

really does my head in sometimes.

made Aggies mate laugh one evening when we were visiting, I went out to the car and brought in a screwdriver and changed her switch around.!!!

makes me mad....

You do it the way I do specs, my training was literally hammered into me if I ever wired em up the wrong way, my old guvnor was a right git for that.

He used to have loads of fun with the old analogue meggers, I used to have loads of shocks the batsard. lol. :)
