Power needed to my shed.

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New member
Dec 10, 2016
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Hi to all, I just have a quick question for you sparkies out there. Basically I have a brick shed just outside my back door that I'd like to have safe power in. On the wall above the back door there is a small hallogen security light, if I were to take the light away and using the right connections etc,  could I take a line from the existing cable and into the shed and what is the best/safest way to set it up please. I'll be using high wattage equipment/appliances in there so it obviously needs to be safe.

Thanks for reading,  Martin👍

Easy answer, no sorry!

If you just needed it for lighting you MAY have been in luck but as you are intending to use a fairly high load then no.

You will need to run a new cable, preferably from the consumer unit, it will need to be rcd protected and should be installed by a qualified electrician. Good news is if done properly the first time it will be safe and give good service for years.

I had an idea that would be the case to be honest. I can't see what the problem would be with just an extra length of armoured cable into the shed with a breaker/RCD/junction box fixed onto the inside wall of the shed. You're probably thinking I'm a nutjob :slap  but trust me if it's unsafe I certainly won't be doing that, I'm just questioning my own logic really.

Thanks for your input on this matter Jon  :Salute

The problem you have us that the existing light is most probably fed from the lighting circuit, which in all probability will only be capable of having a maximum loading if 6amps,

When you take the current loading of this into account you may only have 3amps left,

As you can clearly see, this would be way insufficient for any form of 'high' wattage load.

Computer equipment, testing/work station and soldering iron. Maybe a washing machine and tumble dryer too at some point, and lights. 
