Problem with RKP on Accenta optima alarm

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Baaaaaad Boy
Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2010
Reaction score
Good evening all.

I dont normally touch alarms or intercom systems so i am very green on this front but my mate has a factory and he has rented out some office space so he asked me if i can fit a RKP to his existing alarm.

I already told him i hate alarms but he was desperate and his alarm guy is busy blah blah.

So i fit the RKP and when it powers up it only gives me a selected menu to choose from i think it is walk test,alarm testday/time,event log and password i think, now my question is, when you add a RKP to one of these alarms do you have to do a factory reset with the RKP in the circuit so that you can get all the menu's to adjust entry/exit etc etc.

Be gentle as it was late in the afternoon and i was there till 7 trying to work out why i couldnt get all the menu options on the screen.

If any alarm wizz can help me out then it would be appreciated.

I didnt want to do a factory reset as he has a speech dialer and the alarm works so i didnt want to make it worse it is just that i cant get the full menu listing on the RKP to alter the programs.

Thank you in advance


Not sure Slip it was getting late mate.

My frustration was not being able to get the full menu list as the original alarm has a built in keypad with no screen

I seem to remember fiddling with one of these some time ago.

If an alarm isn't playing fair I usually do a factory reset and start a fresh with it. You will need to manual for it though.

Cheers for the link slip but i had that manual and read it a few times but still couldnt work out why im only getting a small selection of the menu.

I might go back tom afternoon and do a factory reset with the RKP in circuit as i didnt want to do it tonight and make things worse plus i was starving lol

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I fitted the LCD one slip

Cheers mate

Just had a nosey through the manual and it features 2 different key pads, LCD and LED ones. Just to make sure your reading the right one.

I'm almost sure the LCD model is not compatible with certain systems. I would replace it with the LED model and if there is more than one RKP make sure you set an individual address for each one.

I asked Denny's today as well when i bought it as I got told Honeywell alarms are a bit dodgy like that.

As I said I don't touch alarms as a rule as iv never had much interest but my mate has now made my mind up ha ha ha

Not even for mates next time

Are you sure you are using the Engineers passcode, not a user passcode?

The bits you listed sound like the User accessible functions to me...

" walk test,alarm testday/time,event log and password "

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Page 5 of SlipSlaps link:-

Connecting Remote KeypadsNOTE:

Where an Accenta or Accenta mini panel is being installed, make sure there is at least one remote

keypad wired to the panel before the first power up.

Up to four remote Accenta LCD or LED keypads can be connected to the panel. Wire the keypad(s) as per

Figure 5 (LED keypad) or Figure 6 (LCD keypad).


When the panel back-up battery is charging, the LCD keypad backlight may not operate.
Does the code you are using give you a full menu on the original keypad?

All sorted it took me ten minutes once I had the engineers code!!!!

The guy who installed it took it upon himself to change the code!!!!

I can understand it if it was a contract and it was a big company but he fitted it on the side in a company with 2 people working in it and one of those people paid him to install it ha ha ha.

But listen thank you for all your help anyway as I thought I had gone round the bend
