It's gone very quiet round here, nobody changing light fittings ending up with more wires than anticipated, nobody changing switches with different terminals, no diy'ers nailing cables to the wall etc, where is everybody?
Oh my.. Gosh.. Wow.. You must be getting a bit out of touch John...?
Surely it is quiet on here because everyone is now very busy reading all of the recently published manifesto documents?
and it is quite a lot of reading to do.. So no time for trivial posting on forums..
(Even if the hall lights do only work now if the kettle is unplugged, after uncle Jim wired up the new hot tub!!)
We all have some big decisions to make on 4 July...
So I just assumed it was normal to read every source of information relating to all possible options from all political parties..
before casting your vote????
Or was that a dream.... Bit like the one about all wiring reg's updates offering improvements over previous issues and are error free, fully checked, before publication??
However on a positive note...
The manifesto's are available for FREE download...
Which is something BS7671 wiring regs could learn from..
(Once you have purchased an official copy ALL future updates / amendments should be free-of-charge..
which may actually reduce the number of updates as the Cash-Cow principal will be cut-off!)
Just pondering and guessing?