Rcd Trips In Farm House

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Junior Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Hi Guru's

I am rewiring my first farm house and have a problem with tripping rcd, It is powered from overhead and i have changed the board for a wylex dual rcd one, i have a Ze at board of 7.02 and at sockets of 7.52. my tester is a megger 1730 and if i plug anything in apart from the tester the rcd trips. Am i correct in thinking i need to change the rcds for 100mA ones. Also when i try to test the trip times on Auto it wont trip, if i set the tester to 5x it trips ok. Any help not ridicule would be very much appriciated.

Firstly, i would try to get that Ze down (or Ra or what ever you want to call it) Is it the old rod ? You may need to put one or more extra ones in.

Next, have you got the neutrals mixed on the wrong bars in the board ?

Nothing wrong with having 2, 30ma Rcd's, probably neede to conform to the 17th edition anyhow. Hope its an insulated board

The Megger MFT 1730 will not carry out RCD test if the touch voltage is >50V

What was in place before you changed board, did you test circuits prior to change.

No the circuits were all ripped out so didnt test, all cable was lead covered and the board was an old wire fuse type, i might add this is on a farm supply and is 3 phase one of which runs the domestic farm house. I have simply used the tails from the meter ( recently installed by east midlands elec) to the new board.

No the circuits were all ripped out so didnt test, all cable was lead covered and the board was an old wire fuse type, i might add this is on a farm supply and is 3 phase one of which runs the domestic farm house. I have simply used the tails from the meter ( recently installed by east midlands elec) to the new board.
So if ALL the circuits are new, there are really only 2 possibilities:

A N-E short somewhere

Or neutrals of one (or more) circuits into the wrong neutral bar.

What testing have you done?

An Ra of 7.02 ohms is an excellent reading for a TT system IMHO.

As stated above it sounds like an issue with a neutral. I would be tempted to do insulation tests N-E, then perhaps systematically disconnect each neutral (with MCB for that circuit off) , each time plugging an applicance in to see if there is a change.

I'd love a Ze of 7ohms on a TT,,, I think the closest that I got was 15ohms with a single 3/8 rod!!!

Anyway, back to the fault,,,, could it be a Neutral link within the board??

Or could you have mixed up your N ins and outs when you rebuilt the board?? (I'm ashamed to say that I have done this myself)

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7.02 ohms slips did you not see the decimal point :innocent
An Ra of 7.02 ohms is an excellent reading for a TT system IMHO.

As stated above it sounds like an issue with a neutral. I would be tempted to do insulation tests N-E, then perhaps systematically disconnect each neutral (with MCB for that circuit off) , each time plugging an applicance in to see if there is a change.
Woops, shall i spank myself after i go to specsavers O)

you guys are brilliant, i will try all of the above in the morning. i thought i had all the neutrals in the right place but i will double check. many thanks for your replies. watch this space.

Many thanks for the advice, It was a neutral fault. I had moved an mcb to the other rcd but didnt do the neutral durrrr.

thanks again

That makes a nice change ....to get the fault reported back when sorted ...helps others out .

And , yes , I've done that too , suddenly decide to swop a circuit across and forget the neutral .

I'm somewhat saddened though that Dave 4716 needed to add " Any help not ridicule would be appreciated" TBH

I'm somewhat saddened though that Dave 4716 needed to add " Any help not ridicule would be appreciated" TBH
Agree, but has to be said there was nothing but helpful replies.................a new look forum & new attitudes to helping rather than ridiculing.

Well done everyone keep it up.

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