What could be the cause of smoke coming from the top of the shower unit when it is in use, I have temporarily disabled the shower, does it mean a new shower or could it be a simple fix.
1/ Welcome to the forum.
2/ SMOKE!!! serious issue, most likely something had major component overheating. unlikely to be repairable!
3/ How old is the shower?
4/ Who installed it? DIY or qualified electrician?
5/ Could be faulty installation, bad poor terminations of the cables at the connector block. incorrect cable size.. (see Q3)?
6/ It could be faulty internal wiring, in which case it may be under some manufactures obligations to replace it...
7/ But if incorrectly installed (see Q4) could be no way of claiming any refunds for a new shower..
Can you post some pictures of the shower with the cover off..
DO NOT under any circumstances try to re-use the shower unless the appliance and the supply cable have been properly tested with approved test equipment