When taking single-core cables out of a steel box, the important thing is for a slot to be present in the steel box between the holes used by the single core cables. The purpose of the slot is to break the steel link between the cable access holes in the box. The the width of the slot is not a factor. Jono's 6mm slot would allow the slot to be cut and then de-burred with relative ease.Where you have single-core cables you will have a magnetic field around each cable. Where there is no slot between cores there will be a circulating current in the steel box (or gland plate). This eddy current is most pronounced in ferrous materials because of their magnetic properties. At low cable currents it's not much of a problem, but with high cable currents it will cause heating.
The use of a non-ferrous material as a gland-plate is another way of solving the eddy current problem.