Hi Guys
Having a bit of trouble been asked by a customer to wire a spot light in a small boiler room that houses a combi as the customer thinks its a bit dark in there also with a switch in it to switch the spot on/off i have took a link from the bedroom rose & wired it to a another rose with the spot light off that i smeam to have trouble switching it off /on the light works just stays on constant. I have wired from one rose to another neutral to neutral, live in loop to loop, & from switch live in common to loop live, neutal to live for switch live in the rose, from the rose to the light live in loop & neutral in with neurals in loop what am i doing wrong do get it 2 switch on/off.
Having a bit of trouble been asked by a customer to wire a spot light in a small boiler room that houses a combi as the customer thinks its a bit dark in there also with a switch in it to switch the spot on/off i have took a link from the bedroom rose & wired it to a another rose with the spot light off that i smeam to have trouble switching it off /on the light works just stays on constant. I have wired from one rose to another neutral to neutral, live in loop to loop, & from switch live in common to loop live, neutal to live for switch live in the rose, from the rose to the light live in loop & neutral in with neurals in loop what am i doing wrong do get it 2 switch on/off.