Strange things you thought as a kid .

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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I have many  but they only come to mind occasionally .

There were few comedy programmes on one channel TV ,  one was  "I Love Lucy"   AKA  "The Lucy Show" .         From this I decided that Americans were very clean indeed  because everyone who visited Lucy's house would ask to use the "Bathroom"      ( As a means of getting them off the set I guess) 

Reading the  name  Penelope  as   Penny-Lope .      ( Not that many  Penelope,s in Brum TBH) .

From British films I gleaned that crooks, villains & the  working classes  all spoke the same .   So the hero would say to the cabby  "  Can you take me to Scotland Yard my good man "       The answer would be  .."  Yeah course eye can  , 'cor blimey guv'ner  your a toff and no mstake "  .

I also thought everyone in the RAF  spoke with that ludicrous  , loquacious accent ....".I say  Wizard prang  old chap    ...damn near bought it over the channel!!"       I learned this was not the case  and it was the only the British actors in the earlier films who actually spoke that way .......  nearly all British accents were present in the non movies  RAF . 

Being perfect I have no recollection of such things

however my brother was convinced that my mum stood outside the school all day waiting for home time. Didn't help that she went back at lunch to wave at him!.....she was 89 last week

youngest daughter thought the bogey man cam at night and took the snot out of your nose.....only fessed up to this a couple of years ago

i shall have to have a think about any others

Mine were mainly brought about by BS peddled by my family.😁

I thought that if I crossed me eyes whilst looking at a lightning strike, they would stay like that.

I was convinced that outside some rainy chalets in Prestatyn there were evil massive "Grolly birds" that would swoop down and peck my eyes out and that's why we couldn't go out.

Apparently when I was really young I thought John Thaw was my Dad.

I was also convinced that for an evening meal one day we would eventually be served up "s*@t wi' sugar on" after being told repeatedly that that was what we were having


Blimey Deke, you having a senior moment and reminiscing how England once was!! The modern snowflakes learn all that as History lessons!! 
I know , its scarey.         The England that once was ...was a place  where we played in the street all day long   or cycled to Sutton Park  6 miles away ,  didn't get run over or carried off by paedophiles .  We walked to & from school alone  or with friends ,   teachers threw blackboard erasures at us  & hit us with long canes .  ( Until you learned to behave , then strangely they didn't do it)   Classes were silent , we all faced the front , talking in class was the death penalty.   

Everyone  seemed to have a job , being on benefit was unheard of ,  immigration level was zero ,  this city was rammed with thousands of factories  that made virtually everything  that could be engineered from cars, trucks, railway rolling stock , giant generators ,  machine tools ,  transformers   to sewing needles  & pins. 

So us secondary school kids left school at 15 ,  every one into a job  , mostly trades , millions of toolmakers , toolsetters , draughtsmen  etc 

I stupidly thought that Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris were good guys, oh how wrong was I.
Yeah  you're not alone .   I thought  Saville  was strange TBH , all that charity work ...could  anyone BE that good!!       Rolf had me fooled from the start , I remember him from  early Children's TV  , looked like a Beatnik,     drawing cartoons .  

outside some rainy chalets in Prestatyn there were evil massive "Grolly birds" that would swoop down and peck my eyes out and that's why we couldn't go out.
We were told The Peaky Blinders would get us  , they had razor blades sewed into the peaks of their caps  and roamed the streets looking for kids who should be home . 

youngest daughter thought the bogey man cam at night
Thought they lived in the wardrobe at night . 

I know quite a few people who , like me ,    at bedtime , imagined that a lion would be under the bed , which meant taking a leap  from as far as possible ,  if you stood by the bed the lion would grab you with his claws. 

I'll have to check tonight now. !! 

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