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The history of every land and nation is littered with battles fought by people to gain or retain their rights and privileges. We live on a small group of islands that are predominantly free, peaceful, secure, with many rights and privileges others around the world can only dream of. On this day, and over the weekend, take few minutes to think of the many who have been willing to risk life and limb to maintain what we take for granted.

Doc H.

"and if we all could view and see all,

through some darkened future glass,

we may understand the irony of all

that has come to pass."

"and for all that those 'gainst dreadful foes did strive;

We live in their tomorrows-

and on stunted pensions thrive."

From my book of verse.

"The thing that's important is that the younger generation realise what Remembrance is all about. Is not just parading with standards and laying poppy wreaths because every poppy represents blood given by the men and women of this country in conflicts throughout the years. Never ever forget that"

WW2 Veteran on tv this week.

I havn't seen this happen for some years . I was working at the printers today , Fri 11 , I wasn't actually aware of the time TBH but suddenly they stopped the presses and I heard their radio announce the silence , which was observed by everyone in there.

This used to happen without fail many, many years ago, all the factories did it and I seem to have a recollection of the buses pulling over too.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was made at 21:08 ----------

This is the last verse from a song sung by the 8th Army who were accused of dodging D Day . It was sung to the tune of Lily Marlene.

Look around the hillside in the mud and rain,

See the scattered crosses, theres some that have no name,

Heartbreak and toil - suffering gone,

The boys beneath them slumber on

They're the D Day Dodgers

Who'll stay in Italy.

Its a large round plastic disc about a foot across with bumps on , you have to spin it at 33and1/3 RPM with a stylus sitting on it .

Look ... you know those wax cylinders that you play through the horn , with your dog looking down it ........well these are the latest things ... you should try to move with the times Rod.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 23:07 ---------- Previous post was made at 22:41 ----------

Or did you want to know about the record M8?

It doesn't seem to have been reprinted as a CD . The Ian Campbell Folk Group were well known in Brum and performed at the Jug O' Punch . His son was in UB40 .

Theres a couple of Ewan McColl songs on there , Dirty Old Town etc (Not Brum, Salford)

Its called Contemporary Campbells on Tranatlantic .

According to a long held custom in my house I lit two candles on the

mantle shelf over the front room fire last night at 1800 hrs.

I was outside on the front path when two local sprogs asked me why

I had lit the candles.

"You are too early for Christmas," one said.

"One of the the greatest gifts to all of us was made a long time ago-

and it was not at Christmas." I replied.

They had no idea what I meant.

I was very impressed with my daughter's school. All the staff and most of the kids were wearing poppies and they were selling them at the school office. They all had to cut short their playtime to go to a special assembly where they had 7 current and ex soldiers talking to them and then they stood up for the 2 mins silence at 11am.

They were encouraged to take in anything about any war for their "show and tell" on Friday afternoon and they all talked about what the children had bought in - my daughter is allowed to take in her Great grandpa and great great grandpas medals each year.

It's a primary school, so kids from 4 to 11. I hope all schools do this, it's the only was to keep the memories alive.
