Think i failed my exams

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Junior Member
Mar 18, 2009
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Hi am new to this forum,

Just wondered if anybody can help me out with my problem?

Am doing my final exams in level 3 unit 2 and unit 3 written exams and am finding it a bit hard to revise for them. The thing is unless i try and read through the whole of the regs and remember where everything is im not gonna be very confident with them. I just took my first written exam last thursday and i think i completey screwed it up. I had been revising on the smartscreen website for it and listining to all of my tutors tips for the exam but to no avail. All of the questions i got were nothing what i expected, they were ****, and i think i will have failed for the first time.

Any tips for what to revise for within the book would be appreciated?

Try not to worry.

I have moved your thread somewhere more appropriate.

Top tip for any open book exam... learn to use the index in the book!!


look at your past papers and see if you can find the reference you need in the index. It is way more efficient than any amount of tabs in the book or any amount of regs references you write inside the back cover.

did they not let you take the books in with you ?

doing my written exam`s soon and been told we can take our books in with us.

If it's open book, you will have your books with you.

If your exam has some regs content ie 2391 then you will need to know where to find stuff. A big mistake some people make is assuming that an open book exam will be a doddle because you have all the answers in the book in front of you. That it is not necessarily the case.

They will give you a problem, for example a diversity problem. The paper will not say 'this is a diversity question, look up diversity in the book'. You will have to identify from the question that it is a diversity problem, then be able to find the relevant diversity reference in the book. It's a big book, all the pages look the same, no pictures to help you find yer way through it etc!

If you just try to flick your way through the book then you could be there for 35 minutes on one question and still be none the wiser... thats the whole point, they are examining your ability to use the book.

Do your past papers, some stuff you should know roughly where to look but familiarise yourself with the index for the more obscure ones and for those of you doing the written 2391 paper that's where the banana skins lie, because some of the stuff I had in that paper was bordering on the ridiculous. A similar format to, and more difficult than some of my third year Uni exams.

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I was just told that it was a written exam. I didn't know it was an "open Book" exam.

What questions did you get in your firsy exam, Lee? If you can remember - post them on here, the guys can check them for you and it would benefit others too. Including Myself.

And good luck on your next exam.

I have my 301 in May and then my 302 and 303 to follow, within a month.

Apparently, they have to be taken in the day (we do part-time night school) with independant adjudicators. (If that's what they are called).


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