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Mar 6, 2008
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little 5yr old Daisy sees a group of workmen turn up next door to build an extension.

She takes an interest and starts talking to them.

The builders with hearts of gold, adopt her as their mascot.

At the end of the week they even present her with a nice shiny pink hard hat, pink sparkly gloves

and even a wage packet with

Little johhny hears screams from his mum and dad's room so decides to go and see whats all the fuss. As he walks in he see's his mum bouncing on top of dad. ' What are you doing mummy?' he asks suspicously..' I'm jumping on his belly to get the air out son' she says. Little johnny looks puzzled and replies with a little giggle, 'Theres no point in that, I'm sure the woman from next door will be in tomorrow blowing him back up again'
