Today's kitchen tip

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DNO Official™
Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2012
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In the sticks…
Ladies and gentlemen, today's kitchen tip is brought to you by your very own Sweedy. 

If your recipe tells you to grind spices (in this case crush cumin seeds) and you don't have a mortar and pestle, a screwdriver and a freezer bag will do the trick! :D


(Sweedy's School of Domestic Arts is now closed for this year. Deke, I hope you still remember last years lesson in How To Change A Duvet Cover Without Need For Swearing Or Crawling Into The Cover To Sort The Corners Out). 

6.5mm. But you know they say it's not the size, it what you do with it :p  You're right about the little use though. I don't use this toolkit at work so it only sees daylight every now and again, like when I need longnose pliers to change my piercing jewellery :D  

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Here is a good tip, if you gently dry roast the cummin seeds they grind faster and better.

Did I miss the duvet covers lesson? Dammit, that's one thing I cannot get the hang of, invented by Professor Rubik they were I'm sure

If I remember rightly, the general conclusion among the forumites was that despite having the theoretical knowledge about the process of changing a duvet cover, such activites are best left to professionals (ie wives). 

If I remember rightly, the general conclusion among the forumites was that despite having the theoretical knowledge about the process of changing a duvet cover, such activites are best left to professionals (ie wives). 
I'm not having that, that's slanderous. I'd prefer the term, women or females otherwise you are suggesting that single females live like blokes!!!!

If I remember rightly, the general conclusion among the forumites was that despite having the theoretical knowledge about the process of changing a duvet cover, such activites are best left to professionals (ie wives). 

I'll manage on my own thank you

For grinding spices an old coffee grinder with blunt blades works well. It bruises the seed rather than cut it.

Because they make what we know we like, females just make what they want us to like :slap

Why are the best chefs men?

I can speak for the rest of the world, but in my house it's because:

a) my man is not daft enought to raid the toolbox for kitchen equipment

b) he cooks different things rather than just 4 portions of one dish (which in my single days i used to just eat for the next 4 days)

c) he can make a three course meal out of an onion, a carrot and a tin of chopped tomatoes. 

I am good at baking though... :D

I can’t do baking, my wife could. Sunday lunch she kept out of the way while I performed miracles.

Pies? We worked together, I did the filling, the wife did the rest and produced a work of art.

Her family were bakers, in my immediate family three cooks and a chef.

A marriage of convenience? Pity it didn’t last but that was my fault.

I can’t do baking, my wife could. Sunday lunch she kept out of the way while I performed miracles.

Pies? We worked together, I did the filling, the wife did the rest and produced a work of art.

Her family were bakers, in my immediate family three cooks and a chef.

A marriage of convenience? Pity it didn’t last but that was my fault.

Nothing unusual there then ;)  
