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Some years ago we had a major MCB recall from a popular make. Apart from a lot of chaos, we were paid to swop defective MCBs for new versions of the same. Of the numerous MCBs I swopped, only one displayed scorch marks, which oddly enough was the only one with virtually no load on it, it powered a burglar alarm and nothing else. So, you could understand manufacturers never giving consent to mix and match, apart from the reasons given above, ultimately, they can't vouch for the quality of other manufacturers gear when mixed with their own.

Now if I had a board with 2 spare ways on the end of the busbar, so I could leave a gap between one brand and the other, I can see no issues with that, as thermal issues will not arise. Like wise I am quite happy to replace a full set of MCBs in a board made by someone else,(provided the front fits properly) it's only an enclosure, and we use generic enclosures all the time.

It's not usually difficult to get the right MCB, so I just don't faff about these days, even if it's never caused issues in the past
