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this came up today on another forum I frequent, where did you see it?

Great post, thanks for sharing cheered me up no end! The wife kept enquiring as to why I was chuckling to myself.

Onoff, get some pics up in our "Your Pictures" forum then mate.

Many years ago, someone gave me a bottle of the alcohol stuff they use in hospitals to clean their hands to prevent "cross infection"

Anyway, one night i had a little, erm, meeting with a "self employed" young lady [why oh why am i posting this!!]

When I returned home. This bottle of stuff was on the windowsill in the bathroom, so, as a precaution, [safety first!] i applied a big dollop of this stuff to the appropriate areas........ BIG BIG mistake!!!! All i can say is thank Fxxk i was only within 3 inches of the sink... Never in my life have i filled the thing with cold water so quick and thank god the soap was readily to hand as well!!

NEVER EVER try this at home folks! [or anywhere else!!]


Many years ago, someone gave me a bottle of the alcohol stuff they use in hospitals to clean their hands to prevent "cross infection"

Anyway, one night i had a little, erm, meeting with a "self employed" young lady [why oh why am i posting this!!]

When I returned home. This bottle of stuff was on the windowsill in the bathroom, so, as a precaution, [safety first!] i applied a big dollop of this stuff to the appropriate areas........ BIG BIG mistake!!!! All i can say is thank Fxxk i was only within 3 inches of the sink... Never in my life have i filled the thing with cold water so quick and thank god the soap was readily to hand as well!!

NEVER EVER try this at home folks! [or anywhere else!!]


A few aches and pains after karate years back..............asked the then girlfriend to rub RALGEX into the affected thing led to another..........let's say things "hotted up" and another area was "affected". JESUS, it brings tears to me eyes now!  :lol:

.............I have heard that if confronted by a vicious DOG you need to try and circle round behind, lift it's tail and squirt it's nads with Ralgex Spray. Sends it packing by all accounts........... 

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I'm winching with pain just imagining. 

Many years ago, someone gave me a bottle of the alcohol stuff they use in hospitals to clean their hands to prevent "cross infection"

Anyway, one night i had a little, erm, meeting with a "self employed" young lady [why oh why am i posting this!!]

When I returned home. This bottle of stuff was on the windowsill in the bathroom, so, as a precaution, [safety first!] i applied a big dollop of this stuff to the appropriate areas........ BIG BIG mistake!!!! All i can say is thank Fxxk i was only within 3 inches of the sink... Never in my life have i filled the thing with cold water so quick and thank god the soap was readily to hand as well!!

NEVER EVER try this at home folks! [or anywhere else!!]

I'm actually in tears - partly for the comedic value but also imagining the pain!
