Ibd Help Please My Dog Is Dying

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Nov 18, 2014
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North east
Hi could anyone please help me my dog is close to death he has ibd he's lost so much weight and I know he only has days left he's a much loved pet and I'm hoping for a miracle but I know it's not happening I'm just clutching at straws the vet wanted to put him to sleep last time he was there but he was happy and wasn't in pain but he's gone very downhill I need a magic cure and would pay anything for it someone please help

I know it's harsh but if your vet suggested euthanasia at your last visit then there's a good chance your dog is in pain and suffering and without chance of recovery. If you're a believer in miracles then you're also a believer in an afterlife, if you love your dog you should let him go.

Oh sh!t, you have my deepest sympathy, but I agree with the guys above having lost numerous pets over the years. Hopefully apache will be along soon to offer a professional opinion.

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Hi thanks for your replies he isn't in any pain I don't think and he's still waging his tail and still mobile but he's just laying there most of the time now surely it's not impossible for him to recover even though he will never be the same diet/weight he's getting no protien is there no weight lifting shakes or anything I can get to kick start his bowels working sorry if that sounds silly

This is very simple:

By the sound of it your dog needs to be put to sleep. Vets don't advise this for the good of their health. You have a duty to do the correct thing by your dog.

Ring the vet (in the morning at the very latest) and either get them out or take the dog to them.

Dogs are stoic creatures that will still manage a tail wag in the most terrible discomfort.

Not having the dog put to sleep is cruel and not fair on the beast.

Please let us know the outcome

Hello there, sorry to hear about your dog. In all seriousness have you heard of this "fecal transplant" thing they're doing in humans and seemingly dogs too albeit in the US maybe. Sounds disgusting but maybe based on sound science? The basic idea is that say previous antibiotics etc have killed off the good gut bacteria. To "re-boot" the gut you introduce good bacteria from someone else who is healthy etc. They reckon it's why some dogs eat other dogs mess. I have a few relatives with Crohns and ulcerative colitis etc and wouldn't wish that on anyone.
The only thing I'll add is it's considered "cruel" to let an animal suffer like that and euthanasia is considered the kindest thing to do.

But if this were a human, euthanasia would be illegal (murder) and we consider the "best" thing is to keep them hanging on for as long as possible even if they have no quality of life or are in pain.

Funny old world.

Thanks for all your replies I know you are right but I must try everything he dosnt seem to be in pain just no energy I'm having 1 last try with sachets of wet puppy food and a active intestine digestion paste to try and put some good bacteria in his bowels if it dosnt work I know he must go to vets but it will be the hardest thing I will have ever had to do he's been a massive part of our lives for so long and he should have many years left

Apache I don't know anything about you but I can tell you've forgoten more than I could ever learn I promise this is my last chance and if it dosnt work I will do the right thing I know I sound selfish this is my last chance and I promise to do the right thing I will never have another dog again it's not worth this pain I love my dog so much

Hi everyone I think a miracle has happened yesterday I put my dog on puppy food and digestion paste and he is 100 x better his swollen stomach has gone and he's constantly walking about waging his tail and you can tell he's guaranteed in no pain I'm thinking maybe his bowels have had a kick start with good bacteria from the paste I'm not counting my chickens yet but he's acting just like he always has a happy dog always tail waging I'm not feeling all is lost now

My dog has gone downhill again I thought he was getting better but he hasn't I'm getting him put to sleep tomorrow I'm so gutted thanks for your help


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