Well a quick update. I have all the EMI filters and Ferrite Beads at hand now, but a few more things have transpired over the past few weeks. The regulator called and informed me that they now have a 3rd case with the same inverter model, but this time it has been installed by another amateur radio operator. The manufacturer is apparently sending a modified inverter to the guy to test.
I also chased them up again, and they actually replied..!!!! saying that the previously identified ferrite rings for the Battery and BMS cables have been recently added to all their new inverter kits, however the one installed next door was prior to this change. They also endorsed fitting EMI filters and beads on DC and AC cables. Clearly they know full well that RF leak paths exist on their products. Will likely be a few weeks yet before I get any more progress. Will post back with results once/if I get across the finish line.
I also came across an interesting video, showing the effects of ferrite beads on common mode currents, link is there------->
Ferrite Bead Testing.
Basically it demonstrates the diminishing returns you get by adding clip on ferrite's....First bead is approx -10dB attenuation, 2nd -14dB, 3rd -16dB etc up to 7 beads which choked common modes to around -25dB.......