Tesco solar panels

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Dec 8, 2016
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Tesco are planning to install panels on their larger stores, a news item supported with this picture.
What struck me is the angles of the panels. Is this layout the most efficient ? How would it be arrived at?
East west array, lower peak output but better spread of power. It also is more aerodynamic avoiding/ reducing the need for ballast to hold the array down
It should be a no brainer that all industrial / commercial buildings, that use a lot of electricity in the daytime, should cover their roofs in solar panels. They are ideally placed to self use all or most of what they generate.

I bet stupid DNO rules on export make it complicated or expensive because they cannot get past the mindset of if you have 10kWp of panels you are going to export 10kW. they just can't grasp you will self use most of it and export ****** all so you should be allowed without having to pay for stupid network upgrades that are not required.

(yes I might have a chip on my shoulder)
It should be a no brainer that all industrial / commercial buildings, that use a lot of electricity in the daytime, should cover their roofs in solar panels. They are ideally placed to self use all or most of what they generate.

I bet stupid DNO rules on export make it complicated or expensive because they cannot get past the mindset of if you have 10kWp of panels you are going to export 10kW. they just can't grasp you will self use most of it and export ****** all so you should be allowed without having to pay for stupid network upgrades that are not required.

(yes I might have a chip on my shoulder)
Nothing to do with DNOs, it's landlords that prevent their tenants installing solar.
Nothing to do with DNOs, it's landlords that prevent their tenants installing solar.
Yes and that should be stopped.

But the DNO inflexibility and desire to squeeze money out of their customers does not help.

Where I am they made it clear there would be network update costs if I want to have more than 3.68Kw of PV. I DO want more. I self use almost all i generate, and if I add more it will be with battery storage with it configured to store to batteries and NOT export. But i expect them to still want some upgrade money, or a shed load of expensive certification to prove it won't export. I am tempted just to do it and say nothing.
Yes and that should be stopped.

But the DNO inflexibility and desire to squeeze money out of their customers does not help.

Where I am they made it clear there would be network update costs if I want to have more than 3.68Kw of PV. I DO want more. I self use almost all i generate, and if I add more it will be with battery storage with it configured to store to batteries and NOT export. But i expect them to still want some upgrade money, or a shed load of expensive certification to prove it won't export. I am tempted just to do it and say nothing.
Depends on who you talk to at DNO half the time. There is one fella in my area who was a right jobsworth, the rest were very helpful. Don't know how Scotland works, but down yer, G99 with certified export limitations attracts no charges. If they are being winkers in Scotland, just do it, what's the chances of getting inspected?
It should be a no brainer that all industrial / commercial buildings, that use a lot of electricity in the daytime, should cover their roofs in solar panels. They are ideally placed to self use all or most of what they generate.
Absolutely!!!! The owner of a local retail unit (with multiple occupants) has just put something like £100,000 worth of PV on its roof,,, he recons that the ROI is about 12 months!!!!!!!
AppView attachment 16666

Tesco are planning to install panels on their larger stores, a news item supported with this picture.
What struck me is the angles of the panels. Is this layout the most efficient ? How would it be arrived at?

That bloke on the right is smiling because he is getting 100 Tesco Club-Card points for every kWh generated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!