It's recently taken me 7 months to get a gas meter changed where the battery had failed. At least it did not cut off the supply but my tenant has had to put up with estimated bills since moving in. The new meter will still not communicate with the leccy meter so it is effectively a dumb meter...
Ive just this minute ordered the same battery kit minus cells from Ali-Express.
Going to Fogstar for the cells as I dont trust the chinese to deliver genuine A grade. Be too late when I find out they are not up to scratch!
Think im going for the Victron multiplus. It’s expensive but their stuff...
Has anyone built or considering building a DIY ac coupled battery power system and wish to compare notes?
Mine is on the back of an envelope at the moment. Lithium iron phosphate battery pack, management system and a commercial inverter charger (in order to get grid tie approval)
If you get hold of a refurb digital dumb meter and wire it in backwards then that will register how much is escaping to the grid. That type of meter will not count down when you take power from the grid but will put up an R E D warning when it sees import from the grid. Just ignore that.
Excellent devices. Mine lose sync occasionally but easy to resync when it happens. They have recently introduced a receiver with volt free contacts which is handy for heating systems and other odd situations.
My mrs is disabled so with a triple switch beside her chair she can control the room...
My sunny boy inverter is 15 years old and still perfect but i did wonder what would happen if i replaced it. Every few years i have to make a declaration that the system is unchanged. So if i had a new inverter would i need a new MCS certification and would that jeopardise my highly advantageous...
Group builder runs these forums for profit and should have no need to beg for funds.
I help run and fund another unrelated forum that uses the same paid for software as they use here.
Running cost including database hosting cost very little indeed each year.
The work was done yesterday. 40A RCBO added for the shower, redundant devices removed and replaced with blanks.
EICR all passed however no sticker attached as mentioned above.
I will sort out accurate labeling for the benefit of the tenant.
Thank you for all your comments, info and warnings. Much obliged. I'll try and pick up the various points.
I never got to see the EICR. It was mentioned by the agent but the executors wanted me to pay them for having it done and seemed pointless as I was intending to have new work done and I...
I plan to have an 8.5kw shower which is ~35 amps I think.
Will a 40A RCBO be adequate or would I be better to go for a 50A type for a bit more headroom?