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      Captain Kirk replied to the thread Brain Fog.
      You are right to be concerned - the actual detail is in the relevant BS but as I am retired I no longer have access have longer to the...
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      Captain Kirk replied to the thread HNC question.
      I am surprised they did not give a choice of some topics, since this is a national exam - how could they compare am ignitor sequence for...
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      Captain Kirk replied to the thread What could go wrong....
      Hopefully the sink is not bonded!! If the water pipes are plastic then it might be even better - needs a pair of Marigolds at the sink...
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      Captain Kirk replied to the thread Mock exam question.
      The question is very poor and looking a previous papers - "selectivity" should be "discrimination" Basically what would happen if the...
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      The 15th edition IEE regs required everything that did not move to be bonded - if it did move bond it just the same - this led to metal...
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      Captain Kirk replied to the thread earth bonding to water.
      No copper pipes need to be "earthed" at all as you suggest - service pipes cannot be used for earthing - Some copper pipes will need to...
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