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  1. D

    Hey from me...

    Welcome to the forum!
  2. D

    New member

    Good to see you made it.
  3. D

    Spur help

    But is the circuit wiring suitable to have no RCD protection??
  4. D

    Hi from Kelly

    Welcome to the forum!
  5. D

    Spur help

    How would you comply with regs re protection?
  6. D

    Installed ferrite cores onto the live and neutral cables making a buzzing noise?

    You are surrounded by underground and overground mains cables pretty much wherever you go. Probably more so in town centres etc. Likewise with radio waves. Transformers all give off a low frequency hum, and the closer you are to them the more you will hear it.
  7. D

    Installed ferrite cores onto the live and neutral cables making a buzzing noise?

    I would get checked out by a doctor. You may have an underlying condition. I doubt very much it is caused by your electricity meter though. You will get more EMI exposure from your phone!
  8. D

    Hi from DPG

    Yep, same here
  9. D

    Hi from DPG

    I haven't posted on there for ages.
  10. D

    Debate about AFDD's continued

    I get that, but the testing done by the manufacturer and the approvals bodies will be wildly different to your home brew testing.
  11. D

    Debate about AFDD's continued

    Doh, I typed RCD instead of SPD this time. It's been a long day!
  12. D

    Debate about AFDD's continued

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. I didn't mean that SPDs and RCDs cannot be tested at all, but that they cannot be tested with reasonably priced test equipment. Which is what you referred to when you spoke about installing/testing AFDDs. I don't honestly know how good AFDDs are, but I do know that the...
  13. D

    Debate about AFDD's continued

    It was just the point you seemed to be making that you didn't think you should use AFDDs unless you could buy an affordable tester.