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  1. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    Hello Thank you all for your support and advice. Sorry for the delay in posting an update. I have learnt that electricians don't like to work on farms or on old machinery, switches and motors....... However, I have now solved the problem. Having taken the switch apart, the rear of the board...
  2. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    Thank you. The red and yellow cables attach to the STOP button on the rear of the cabinet door. One black cable from the coil was connected to the red wire. One black cable from the coil was connected to the top part metal strip of the vertical bent arm above the overload device. The...
  3. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    Hello Thank you for your helpful comments. Re: centrifugal switch I have checked the centrifugal switch and this appears to be working fine. It can be easily moved by hand and with the cover off and the motor in the ‘start’ position, the centrifugal switch opens up okay. Re: Overload...
  4. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    Thank you I will investigate more in the morning (as it is now cold outside.....) Thank you for all your help
  5. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    Thank you. I cannot see anything mechanically stopping it holding, other than the magnet not being pulled-up. When pulled up, it moves a lever that then keeps the switch in the 'run' position (this is my understanding). If I physically move the magnet / coil (?) up, it moves the lever okay and...
  6. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    With dial turned to the 2K ohm setting, the measurement is 0.306 (up to 0.310)
  7. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    The STOP button appears to be working okay. It appears to be 'Normally Closed' with continuity until this is broken by the pressing of the stop button.
  8. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    Hello, thank you for your assistance. I have taken the magnetic coil (solenoid?) off the starter. Attached are some photos of it. The piece of blue tape is for my record of where which wire came from. There are no markings on the cables and so, perhaps it does not matter which cable goes...
  9. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    Thank you. Is the Coil as highlighted in the one photo attached? Yes I have a multimeter and should be able to check continuity with the winding.
  10. Rossy

    Assistance with a faulty Brook Motors manual starter switch for Phase 1 5Hp motor for grain milling machine

    Hello, We have an old Alvan Blanch mill mixer machine used for processing and mixing grain for sheep and cattle feed. It is run by a single phase D215 Brook Motors motor that is plated as 5.0 horsepower (Hp) with a full load amps of 22.0. The motor has, for many years, been started with a...