On this evening
that happened to us, the battery failed and shut off the gas supply in the middle of the Christmas holidays. I thought at first it was our gas boiler that had failed and tried in vain to get a plumber to attend. we eventually found we had no gas supply and phoned our supplier (Octopus) which managed to get a new meter installed within hoursOne of my mate's had a smart gas meter fail and it switched his gas off, something to do with the internal battery failing
It would also make sense for the meter to tell the supplier (and maybe also the customer) when the battery is near the end of its life. Not very smart if it doesn't do that. And if it does do that, the supplier is not being very smart if they don't act on the information.It would have made sense to have the battery customer replaceable
The engineer that fitted our new gas meter said that the existing gas meter should have sent a message to the supplier that the battery is running low, but obviously it didn't.It would also make sense for the meter to tell the supplier (and maybe also the customer) when the battery is near the end of its life. Not very smart if it doesn't do that. And if it does do that, the supplier is not being very smart if they don't act on the information.
Or it did send the message and it was ignoredThe engineer that fitted our new gas meter said that the existing gas meter should have sent a message to the supplier that the battery is running low, but obviously it didn't.
First class sayingsAnyone care to precis what they say to save me an hour of my life?
The engineer that fitted our new gas meter said that the existing gas meter should have sent a message to the supplier that the battery is running low, but obviously it didn't.