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  1. springcrocus

    Installing RCD protection on old rewireable c/u

    I agree, if it's only three circuits, but the OP hasn't made it clear whether they are the ONLY three circuits in the board or whether he is only modifying three OF the circuits in the board. There may be more that are not part of his work schedule.
  2. springcrocus

    Help to solve mystery electrical outages,

    I might be thinking along the same lines as Kerching, but you've stated a PME supply. How confident are you of your readings? I would have thought it sensible to bang a rod in somewhere nearby as a local earth and take a bunch of readings using this as your earth reference, rather than the...
  3. springcrocus

    Installing RCD protection on old rewireable c/u

    Because you're not complying with [the spirit of] reg 314.1.1 (BRB - the green ones in the van)? ;)
  4. springcrocus

    Forum with a difference

    The only problem I find is that, after spending half the night in this pub with a glass or five of wine :Y , some of my responses tend to ramble on a bit. :Blushing It ain't 'alf cheap, though. :^O
  5. springcrocus

    Forum with a difference

    When you compare the different forums available to our hallowed trade, they range from the sublime to the ridiculous. At one end of the spectrum we have the Top Knobs (is that what Steps refers to as the fluffy-wuffy lot?) where you need an electrical engineering degree just to understand the...
  6. springcrocus

    Late payments

    Haven't got their phone number handy, have you?
  7. springcrocus

    rcd protected socket

    To expand a little on Andys accurate and succinct answer ;) , your cable will also need protecting if you intend to sink it in. If surface in trunking (or whatever), an RCD socket will do.
  8. springcrocus

    Electrical Certificate for Rented Property

    Maybe, but the point I am trying to make is that I don't need to go pulling all the wires out and testing every circuit, I just check those aspects that I feel could be dangerous. Thats why I call my report a Landlords Electrical Report. I wont always issue one. For instance, if I see lead or...
  9. springcrocus

    Electrical Certificate for Rented Property

    I have my own take on this and I'm sure it will attract a bunch of critism from the majority. From the point of view of the landlord, he doesn't want his property ripped apart by an enthusiastic electrician every year or two, all he wants to know is that the previous tenant hasn't kicked the...
  10. springcrocus

    I love being self employed

    Wish I could afford a boat. :(
  11. springcrocus

    Has someone been messing with the Forum replies-

    The icons are working for you, Patch, or are you typing the codes from memory? Testing... ?:| Scratch that, things seem to have returned to normal. Probably me being daft...
  12. springcrocus

    Has someone been messing with the Forum replies-

    Soory, mate, not sure what you mean here? Where would I use the Tab key on the forum? Just tried to tab along during the post and nowt happened. Remedy? or irrelevant?
  13. springcrocus

    Has someone been messing with the Forum replies-

    or is it me? I tried to "Reply with quote" and someone has nicked the "Go advanced" button. If I "go advanced" direct from the thread, I can't use the quote??? And the "more icons" button isn't working for me, either. In fact, none of the icons are working. (This should be "I am sad" icon)
  14. springcrocus

    certification of a circuit

    Without any test kit on site?
  15. springcrocus

    How to modify a 16th into 17th Board

    That's the point I am trying to make. A consumer unit is only rated at 16.5kA because of type-testing. Once you modify it beyond manufacturers recommendations (e.g only use our MCB's etc) then that rating no longer applies and the rating of the lowest suseptible component applies, which is...
  16. springcrocus

    How to modify a 16th into 17th Board

    One thing you might like to consider is the PFC. If this exceeds 6kA (unlikely in a domestic situation, I know) then your board may not be compliant. The individual components are all likely to be rated at 6kA but a maufacturers board generally has a 16.5kA rating due to some jiggery-pokery with...
  17. springcrocus

    Funny signs thread

    Next door to where I was working today, I noticed the name on the front gate and immediately thought of our illustrious collegue. :D There you go, Steps, you're immortalised on the Isle of Wight. B-)
  18. springcrocus

    Problem of the week - ceiling rose

    ?:| Bad day at the office, mate? ;) :D