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  1. N

    Meter Calibration

    Hand cranked meggar takes me back! First job I ever used one of these on was checking the state of some old three phase motors. "You need to check the test gear is working before using it" says my caring colleague. "Hold these two clips and tell me if you feel anything.........."
  2. N

    Interesting tactic

    Had a call from a lady in her 70's regarding a flyer pushed through her letterbox, from her "Local, friendly electrical contractor." Very slick, full colour with some nasty pictures of burned out consumer units. Headline states "Warning! The rules concerning domestic consumer units (fuse...
  3. N

    Eu Vote

    Add one more to that. If I can eke out another four years of being able to put food on the table that will do me. Unless the pension draw date becomes an annually altered fantasy! 
  4. N

    trades centre gateaway-full scope electrician

    Hi again. I started working for myself in 2014 after many years employed in a purely commercial electrical environment. If you look around the forum you will see loads of opinions and debates around short courses and DIY electrics (debates I avoid for various reasons). When you are able, private...
  5. N

    trades centre gateaway-full scope electrician

    Sorry, but I'm not too clear what you are asking. Do you need help with your course or advice on what you can hope to do after you finish? 
  6. N

    Spot lights failed

    Hmmmm.......I will be up in Scotland in a couple of weeks time working in Ayrshire. Little bit further than I'd like to travel.......... Tell you what, if you are still stuck in a weeks time PM me and I'll see what I can do. 
  7. N

    Spot lights failed

    Where in Scotland are you? 
  8. N

    Spot lights failed

    Where do the lights derive their feed from? Is it a fused spur? If so it could be the fuse that's failed. 
  9. N


    How about the bayonet lamp wire-able connector? Very popular in Woolworths, intended for Xmas tree lights but used for just about everything!  Card of fuse wire 1'/6 at local general store, three gauges, lighting, power, cooker. Stick a bit of cooker in the lights fuse if it popped.......
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    And, five weeks was approximately the amount of time "Auld Tam" reckoned you needed to learn how to properly brew up! 
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    Let's just say my pocket money came 12 pennies to the shilling, I grew in inches not centimetres and liquids were always measured in pints not litres! 
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  13. N


    Depends if you are under or over 50...........
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    You could try having a look here...
  15. N

    New Around Here With A Few Questions

    Hi Sean. I started working for myself just over a year ago after many years as a commercial electrical engineer. Not been on the forum much for a few months as I've been working in Tenerife. Sounds great but basically it was out of financial necessity. I admire your drive and ambition but (for...
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    What Did You Do This Weekend?

    This is looking familiar! Currently self building an extension........ Why did I decide to tackle this less than a year after going self employed????
  17. N

    Help Re Boiler Actuator

    Do you have a Digistat +3? Have a look here to see if it's this one. There should be a little arrow indicator in the display window that points to the operating mode.
  18. N

    Help Re Boiler Actuator

    I've installed a couple of these units, and if memory serves me correctly the small flame icon should show when the Drayton is asking for central heating. Try setting the Drayton to manual (< button) and increase the temperature setting using the + button to around 27 degrees.
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    Help Re Boiler Actuator

    Sorry to ask the obvious, but is the small flame CH indicator showing?
  20. N

    Help Re Boiler Actuator

    What style of timer does your boiler have? Analogue clock or digital display?