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  1. MajorOak

    Max Zs 80% values.

    You have a value of Zs and 80% of that is 80% independent of voltage. The OSG uses a more complicated formula based on max temp of the cables etc. The 80% rule is just a quick and dirty method and good enough for most situations. I am up in Yorkshire and don't have my books. From memory its...
  2. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    I can see the plumbers laughing now!! Plumber apprentice "What's that for?" Plumber "Shhhh it keeps the sparkies happy!!"
  3. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    Nice post Manator!!
  4. MajorOak

    CCTV with non static IP

    +1 Dynamic DNS, I have done a few dozen CCTV systems and used DynamicDNS each time with no problems. They have been going for some years now, first time I used them was 2002 and last time was March!
  5. MajorOak


    I have been thinking about this a lot and have come up with the win win situation!! It's called Peter's 2 step retirement plan!! 1) Keep your head down till 65 or maybe 70. 2) Rob a bank, if you get away with it you're are minted for life problem solved. If you get caught, you get banged up...
  6. MajorOak

    Hi bay fittings.

    It sounds as if they have under-volt protection and need to be power cycled in order to re-start them, as Evans Electric mentioned. If they have it's a pretty poor design for a hi bay fitting.
  7. MajorOak

    Hi bay fittings.

    When there is a power dips, can you switch all the lights off for 20 mins then switch them back on and see if that makes a difference? Maybe better than getting the lift out? Or better still after the power has dipped leave for 20 mins then turn the lights off and on? The Philips lights will...
  8. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    This guy related to you ADS? Banana
  9. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    Hehehe joking apart, you actually did an insulation resistance test on a banana!! You are funny!! Actually I was going to do the same but we are all out of bananas!!
  10. MajorOak

    3 word story

    Banana water pipes!!
  11. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    Bananas contain potassium! So may be conductive!!
  12. MajorOak

    Calculation Question

    Hi mate I wrote a little bit about this a few years ago, Have a look at post#7
  13. MajorOak

    3 word story

    Protective Bonding Conductors
  14. MajorOak

    Nowt so strange as Folk!? AKA {Old gits computer reunion memories!}

    Just to add, I don't know if anybody has seen this film called "Micro Men" made for BBC 4? It stars Alexander Armstrong from Armstrong and Miller as Clive Sinclair (Sinclair Research) and also Martin Freeman from The Office as Chris Curry (Acorn). It's a very funny film all about how they...
  15. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    Immersion heater??
  16. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    If the water pipe feeds a shower or a boiler etc, then the metal work it connects to within the shower or boiler is earthed if you follow that earth back to the MET it then connects to earth electrode at the incoming source if it's a TT or further up stream if it's a PME system or at the sub for...
  17. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    OK so it may not be that good, resistivity of tap water is around 0.1Meg ohm/meter, doh!!
  18. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    You may be talking about pure water, but I would bet the water that comes out of your tap conducts. Tap water conducts electricity because it contains ions. These ions provide a transport system for the flow of electrons.
  19. MajorOak

    Main protective bonding conductors

    It may be plastic but the water inside the pipe may eventually come into contact with metal pipe work further up the water network. It also connects to all the other pipework in the house which will now be at earth potential. Earthing the pipes also mean that the potential of the pipes in the...
  20. MajorOak

    New distribution connection direct to cabin whilst house is demolished scenario

    I was taking it as a single supply to a single dwelling. I will hold my hand up and say if it to be classed as a building site then and I am not fully clued up and would then have to go and have a read. This is just what I remembered off the top of my head regarding the ESQCR and earthing...