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  1. N


    Good, not really had any contact with the college as yet, just been plowing through all the files. think im ready to sit the 201 and 202 exams. now to find somewhere to sit them..
  2. N


    don't worry i'm still here. ;)
  3. N


    Hi, 25yr old currently doing 2330 with Bridgwater College Long Distance. Changed careers from IT Manager for 6yrs to trying to become a spark last year, started at a maintenance company been there 12mths now, just trying to get those bits of paper!!
  4. N

    Manchester 2330 External Candidate

    Yeh I've been trying this week, no luck so far, just wondered if anyone else had had any luck finding one. North East would be fine as well, as i work over that way quite a bit.
  5. N

    Manchester 2330 External Candidate

    Hi I've just started my 2330 with Bridwater College in Somerset by distance learning, course is great but i have a problem.. they want me to come down from Manchester to Somerset for 3 days to sit all the exams and do the practical assessment in one go. I've been told that if I can find a...