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  1. K

    legal advice selling a car

    But how would he know that the car he sold them hasnt infact now been messed with? Who has told the new owners that the car has a dodgy a dodgy gear box? The threatening phone call suggests that the people in question aren't be nicest bunch or possible particularly honest. Personally I would...
  2. K


    Matron hasn't made her rounds yet then?... 😄
  3. K


    I wanna ask what is he talking about but without sounding stupid..... 😊😊
  4. K


    Thank you
  5. K


    Ps excuse the spelling and random words I am typing on my phone! iPhone auto correct is stupid... But then it may also be due to the amount of beer I've had this weekend 😄😊
  6. K


    Just wanted to introduce myself. I have been lurking on this forum for a while now ad have learnt quite a lot but want to learn more as I'm sure everyone does! My name is Karl I have my c&g 2330 lv3 c&g 2382 17th full course and passed my am2 last month. Unfortunately I'm Not doing an...
  7. K


    Twin from db to first switch. Twin from first switch all the way to light. 3 core and e from first switch to second switch and another 3 core and earth from second to third switch. So your left with two twins and a 3 core at first 2 3 cores at second switch and 1 3 core at third switch. Work...
  8. K

    Day in a Bay tomorrow - Nervous!

    When I did mine I have gn3 in with you and osg with me I think
  9. K

    how are FIT's measured?

    Most likely senario is that the meter is also next the to inverter. then the gsm monitor connects to the inverter for faults and gen info and it also connects to the meter (pulsed output meters only) to record the Actual generation to date.
  10. K

    solar bar chart

    incidentally, the best month for generation in the UK is June and the worst month is December n.b generation in June is roughly 6 times better than in december
  11. K

    There givin it away

    I wasn't suggesting to keep quiet about it I understand that that is theft. As part of the commissioning of the PV system the installer must identify the installed meter to the DNO (i.e type serial number and manufacturer), it is then up to the DNO to change it, it is not up to the installer or...
  12. K

    solar bar chart

    predicted generation yield for an install? it would depend on a number of factors, e.g pitch of modules, size of system, in what direction they face. if you can find the government sap report that might help you
  13. K

    There givin it away

    Mirco CHP is different to Solar photovolatic, the FIT's are not going to be reviewed after 12,000 installs for PV @ tpkpope, if the dno's realise you have a meter that goes backwards they will come an change it, also i would advise not having an export meter installed unless you know you will...
  14. K

    I did my 301 today

    just curious who are you reffering to when you say swindon massive? I have heard it a few times also have any of you done any of the short courses at swindon college? dont have my 301 till june, but i did get a distinction on 302 which i did just before christmas
  15. K

    Part P

    good to know, thanks
  16. K

    Part P

    i was looking at niceic and napit and they required those qualifications, tho thinking about regs only state you need to be comotent
  17. K

    Part P

    you need level 3 2330, 2382 and 2391 minimum to be part p accreditted
  18. K

    Inverters and grid connection sync

    heres a little explanation pv > dc isolator (2 pole) > dc inverter > ac isolator (next to dist board) > mcb in distboard it might be a good idea to include a kwh meter between the ac isolator and dist board so the customer can see what power is being produced by the pv array. on a...
  19. K

    Inverters and grid connection sync

    Wp means Watts peak, basically the rating of a pv system is usually in kwp. So if a system is 4kwp that means it will generate 4 kw per hour during peak conditions (i.e on a nice sunny no clouds day) any other time and it will generate just a fraction of this power output. im not sure i can...
  20. K

    Inverters and grid connection sync

    by having a 3 phase inverter for pv arrays it simply makes it easier to install at the distribution board. the max pouwer output by the pv system is spread accross each phase equally. (its easier to have 1 3 phase inverter rather than 3 single phase inverters, saves money too!) check out the...