Part P

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Sep 18, 2008
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I'm currently halfway through my second year of the 2330 l2 and was wondering if it would be worth me taking a Part P course as I want to get out and start working asap. I'll be going on to do the level 3 2330 but don't want to wait another year and a half to start looking for work. any advice or suggestions greatly appreciated.

2382 and pratical know how to join a sceam

i was looking at niceic and napit and they required those qualifications, tho thinking about regs only state you need to be comotent

i was looking at niceic and napit and they required those qualifications, tho thinking about regs only state you need to be comotent
yes on the online application i think it is, they list the collage qualifications or you can have the full 19 modual DI course, when i rang up all they were interested in was 2382,

I was under the impression that to work in domestic dwellings, level 2 2330 and Part P was sufficient?

if you want to self certify then you need to join a sceam and they will ask for 2382 minimum

should add if you are competent then you can carry out minor works in a non special location and issue a cert

so if i have 2330 l2 and 2382, would I still need the seperate part p course.

I just want to make myself as employable as possible until i've done the level 3 next year

The 'part p' courses tent to be on the building regs (a,b,c,e,f,l,m) that need to be applied when doing electrical work. If you are confident you already know them then you can avoid that. AFAIK none of the little clubs delve too deep into that part (only to the extent of what is covered in the lgb).

so what would be the next step for me then if I want to start work asap, sparky's mate or anything, just want to get into the trade, like i say i'm almost finished the level 2, will be doing level 3 next year but what can i do in the mean time to help my chances?

Sparky's mate is probably the 'cheapest' options and will get you experience. Where abouts are you?

In newcastle, I'd happliy work as a mate for as long as it takes, just want to get int the trade and out of this office. Is there no other course that would help me out?

Having come that far you shouldn't cut the last few corners but doing 2382 would allow you to apply to a little club but you would then need to pass their assessment of your skills/work/ability. Do you feel confident enough to tackle electrical jobs by yourself without backup?

You could always try giving some of the little clubs a call and explain what you want to do.

Would be worth getting the 2392 too.

I was told by a person that knows an NICEIC Assessor, that he said that the NICEIC are happy to accept someone with the C & G (City & Guilds) 2392 Qualification (Fundimental Inspection & Testing - Single-Phase Installations) as a Domestic Installer (DI Scheme).

How true that is, I don't know as yet. But I have asked the NICEIC for confirmation, and I have also contacted NAPIT and ELECSA, for their input on it too.

As soon as I hear something back, I will post them on here.

Would be hard doing 2392 without 2382 wouldn't it?
Not really Mate. If he has a BRB and has read it, It would be alright. I am almost certain that there were people on the 2392 when I did it, that did not have the 2382?

Anyway, the 2392 doesn't matter.... Just goes to prove that you shouldn't listen to hearsay...

Here is the Reply from the NICEIC.

(Well done to the NICEIC first off the mark with a reply Everytime) Followed by Napit and Elecsa. I never here back from BSI - Funny That?!

Hi Jamie,

Thank you for your reply. The qualification you detailed below would not be acceptable for assessment onto the Domestic Installer Scheme. Please see the below qualifications that the NICEIC would accept for the Domestic Installer Scheme: